Oscar Alejandro Garcia holds an M.B.A. from Bolivian Catholic University in association with Harvard Institute for International Development in La Paz, Bolivia. After graduation he was a professor in the Master’s Program for Development.

He is the author of “Latin American NGOs and the Challenges of Organizational Development” that was published by Plural Editores in 2000.

He currently is a member of the board of Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Laboral y Agrario-CEDLA, the Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Unidad Productiva – IDEPRO and Eco Futuro S.A. Fondo Financiero Privado, three institutions dedicated to promote research on economical development, labor market and poverty as well as to provide technical assistance and financial aid to micro business in Bolivia.

Oscar is the managing director and partner of Proactiva Consultores, a private consulting firm that has focused over the last eight years on helping organizations to manage their change process. He works developing strategic management skills and also developing human resources management capabilities.

He has worked with local governments, several non profit organizations, medium sized business and international donors’ organizations in Bolivia and other countries of Latin America like República Dominicana, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, México, Guatemala, Paraguay and Perú.

He worked helping organizations to have more impact, particularly those that have development aims. He combines a social commitment for the poor with technical expertise that help their clients to be more sustainable.

He has developed good workshop’s facilitation skills and also has worked as recruiter in small and large engagements with customers from private and public sectors.

A sample of the diversity of organizations to which he has provided consulting support include the Ministerio de la Familia in Nicaragua, the United Nations Development Programme, the Instituto para el Desarrollo Social from the Interamercian Development Bank, Coordinadora de la Mujer ( a women’s NGO network), Ministerio de Asuntos Indigenas, de Género y Generacionales, British Gas, Aguas del Illimani, Servicio Nacional de Caminos, local governments of La Paz and Sucre, United Nations Population Fund in Bolivia, some irrigation programmes in Potosí and Cusco and several micro finance institutions.

His home and business were based in La Paz Bolivia, but he is now moving to New York City.